procreate, bilibin, babel
A short story for Esquire Russia. Read the original version here.

blender, mixed media
A short monologue about dumplings, dreams, and other things, featured in Fantoche, Supernova (2nd place), Ars Independent, NY Indie Shorts and other festivals. By the way, during lockdown, the audience of the Russian Wheel of Fortune was indeed replaced with yellow ballons that had various smiley faces printed on them in black. Various other elements are similarly real.
“This humorous and melancholy production showcases sophisticated CGI techniques while providing a unique visual language of vintage film. The whimsical dumpling characters and the sleep talks quickly transport the viewer into a profound world about suspended identity.” —Frank Wang Yefen
procreate, wisdom, experience
digital, mixed media
A quiet, melancholy ghost story about death, chance, and loneliness. Only in French, but it’s fairly light on text. Order from: /
“Une émouvante légèreté au service d'une intrigue qui interroge le désir de vivre. Magnifique.”
—LiRE Magazine littéraire
—LiRE Magazine littéraire
“Un récit délicat au ton très particulier, mélange de grande tristesse et de cruauté, toujours adoucies par un humour inattendu. Un très bel album dessiné.”
—Radio France
—Radio France
“Album d'une profonde mélancolie, Tous les vivants témoigne de la place singulière qu'occupe Roman Muradov dans le paysage de la bande dessinée.”
—Livres Hebdo
—Livres Hebdo
“S’il peut paraître d’abord austère et fort peu romanesque, Tous les vivants est un livre qui gagne en consistance à chaque relecture. Une curiosité à la poésie entêtante.”
—LM magazine
—LM magazine
blender, mixed media
Several attempts to render 3d scenes as flatly as possible.